Thursday, November 28, 2019
File Sharing Systems Essays - , Term Papers
File Sharing Systems Universit?t St. Gallen Hochschule f?r Wirtschafts- Rechts- und Sozialwissenschaften ITM / MCM Wahlteil Neue Medien / Medienarchitektur Prof. Dr. Beat Schmid FILE SHARING SYSTEME P2P Von Philipp Brunner Hans Geiser Roman H?gg Stefan Kress Beat Meier Olivier Salamin Abgabetermin: 5. Dezember 2000 Inhaltsverzeichnis Einf?hrung Seite 3 1. Theoretische Grundlagen 3 1.1. Netzarchitekturen 3 1.1.1. Client Server 3 1.1.2. Peer to Peer 4 1.1.3. Verzeichnisserver 4 1.2. Netzwerkprotokolle / TCP/IP 4 1.2.1. Transmission Internet Protocoll 4 1.2.2. Internet Protocoll 5 1.2.3. TCP/IP ist das Internet 6 1.2.4. IP ? Adressierung 6 1.3. Proxyserver 7 2. Fallbeispiele 8 2.1. MP3 8 2.1.1. Allgemeine Aspekte 8 2.1.2. Technische Aspekte 8 2.1.3. Wirtschaftliche Aspekte 9 2.1.4. Konklusion / Extrapolation 9 2.2. Napster 10 2.2.1. Allgemeine Aspekte 10 2.2.2. Technische Aspekte 10 2.2.3. Wirtschaftliche Aspekte 11 2.2.4. Konklusion / Extrapolation 12 2.3. Gnutella 13 2.3.1. Allgemeine Aspekte 13 2.3.2. Technische Aspekte 13 2.3.3. Wirtschaftliche Aspekte 14 2.3.4. Konklusion / Extrapolation 14 2.4. Freenet 15 2.4.1. Allgemeine Aspekte 15 2.4.2. Technische Aspekte 15 2.4.3. Wirtschaftliche Aspekte 16 2.4.4. Konklusion / Extrapolation 16 2.5. Mojonation 17 2.5.1. Allgemeine Aspekte 17 2.5.2. Technische Aspekte 17 2.5.3. Wirtschaftliche Aspekte 18 2.5.4. Konklusion / Extrapolation 19 3. Neue Problematiken / Denkanst?sse 19 3.1. Staat 19 3.2. Juristik 20 3.3. Kriminalit?t / Cyber Terrorismus 20 3.4. Vom gl?sernen B?rger zum gl?sernen Kunden 20 4. Konklusion / Extrapolation 21 4.1. Ausblick: Groovenet 21 4.2. P2P Prognosen 21 4.3. Trendabsch?tzung 22 Anhang I Literaturverzeichnis I Abbildungsverzeichnis I URLs I CD ? Rom I Einf?hrung Die als weitgehend institutionalisiert geglaubten, auf Client ? Server ? Modellen basierenden Kommunikationsstrukturen des Internet unterziehen sich zurzeit einem rasanten Wandel, dessen Konsequenzen das Internet und seine Community wieder zu ihren Wurzeln archaischer wie auch basisdemokratischer Verst?ndigung f?hren k?nnte. Client ? Server ? Modelle, synonym f?r kostenintensive Infrastruktur, Wartung und Bedienung wie aber auch f?r leichte Kontrolle und somit problemlose Einbindung in bestehende Gesch?ftsmodelle der Old Economy, scheinen zurzeit vom Organismus Internet wie ein systemfremdes Bakterium abgestossen zu werden. Tats?chlich liess der als zentral zu wertende Bereich der Kommunikationsformen als Basis jedweder Verst?ndigung bisher stark Attribute wie Innovationskraft, wie Wandel und Dynamik vermissen. Innovative File ? Sharing ? Systeme wie namentlich Peer to Peer Modelle (P2P) beginnen zunehmend am althergebrachten Diktat der Client ? Server ?Systeme zu r?tteln, werden wom?glich diese Mauern innerhalb k?rzester Zeit zum Einsturz bringen. Begleitet vom Hauch des Illegalen, des Subversiven, haben sich diese Modelle mittels einiger Protagonisten dieser Entwicklung (Napster, Gnutella etc.) einen breiten Zuspruch der Internet Community erk?mpft. Peer ? gleichgestellt; ungleich der hierarchischen (und somit der Grundideologie des Internet quasi systemfremden) Ordnung der Client ? Server ? Systeme agieren bei der P2P Kommunikation alle teilnehmenden Rechner als Client wie auch als Server. Dieses relativ trivial anmutende Prinzip erm?glicht somit die effizente (effizienteste?!) Aufteilung aller technischen Ressourcen wie Speicherkapazit?t, Rechnerleistung und Bandbreite. Es erstaunt nicht, dass die Exponenten der Old Economy mit einer auf Tausch (sprich: geben und nehmen) basierenden Kommunikationsform M?he bekunden, zumal es noch nicht gelungen ist, dieses Konzept ungeachtet seines Erfolges in bestehende Business ? Modelle einbinden zu k?nnen. Die vorliegende Arbeit verfolgt die Zielsetzung, dem unkundigen Leser mittels eines deduktiven und ganzheitlichen Ansatzes ein Bild der aktuellen Kommunikationsformen des Internet zu vermitteln. Gem?ss dieser Motivation sollen in einem ersten Schritt die theoretischen Grundlagen f?r ein besseres Verst?ndnis der in einem zweiten Schritt folgenden Fallbeispiele geschaffen werden. Um dem angedeuteten ganzheitlichen Ansatz Rechnung zu tragen, werden in einem dritten Schritt im Sinne von Denkanst?ssen soziale, wirtschaftliche, juristische etc. Aspekte diskutiert. Die Arbeit m?ndet schliesslich in einer Konklusion, einer Beurteilung und m?glichen Extrapolation der Gegenwart seitens der Autoren. Es wurde bewusst auf eine intensive Illustrierung der Arbeit verzichtet, um eine h?chstm?gliche Informationsdichte und somit einen inhaltlich maximalen Mehrwert zugunsten des Lesers zu gew?hren. In Bezug auf eine detaillierte Illustrierung sei an dieser Stelle auf die der Arbeit im Sinne eines Anhangs beigelegten CD ? Rom verwiesen, welche nebst den zitierten Quellen eine umfangreiche Daten- und Programmsammlung beinhaltet. 1. Theoretische Grundlagen 1.1. Netzarchitekturen 1.1.1. Client-Server Zu Beginn der Computer?ra war sowohl Rechenleistung als auch Speicherplatz stark beschr?nkt und sehr teuer. Gerade aber diese beiden Faktoren machten den Vorteil maschineller Informationsverarbeitung aus und deswegen wurden verschiedene Konzepte entwickelt, die vorhandenen Ressourcen m?glichst effizient zu nutzen. Man ging in der Regel von einer zentralen Rechenmaschine aus, welche sowohl die Berechnungen ausf?hrte als auch alle Informationen speicherte. Daneben existierten ?dumme? Terminals, welche auf diese Ressourcen zur?ckgreifen konnten. Aus dieser hierarchischen Struktur wurde die Bezeichnung des Client-Server-Modells abgeleitet, welche somit das ?klassische? Netzwerkmodel darstellt. 1.1.2. Peer-to-Peer Mit zunehmender Weiterentwicklung der Computer wurde es nun aber auch m?glich, die Terminals intelligenter werden zu lassen und schlussendlich ganz von ihren Servern zu l?sen.
Monday, November 25, 2019
ââ¬ÅMaster Haroldââ¬Âââ¬Â¦and the boys Essay Essays
ââ¬Å"Master Haroldâ⬠â⬠¦and the boys Essay Essays ââ¬Å"Master Haroldâ⬠â⬠¦and the boys Essay Essay ââ¬Å"Master Haroldâ⬠â⬠¦and the boys Essay Essay Essay Topic: Black Boy Essay on ââ¬Å"Master Haroldâ⬠â⬠¦and the male childs Introduction Master Haroldâ⬠¦and the male child is a drama written Athol Fugard in early 1982 picturing apartheid in South Africa. Fugard wrote a figure of novels. short narrative. and plays having political turbulences and particularly apartheid in South Africa. In the book. he introduced friendly relationship between Whites and inkinesss where Sam. Willie. the inkinesss and Harry. a white interacts together in close friendly relationship. He contradicted it with how racism could botch friendly relationship among friends. a factor that contributed to extension of apartheid. Racism is the major subject of the drama where Harryââ¬â¢s parent shows favoritism against inkinesss. Her female parent discriminated her retainers. Sam and Willie stating Harry non to pass most clip with them. His male parent has been found most of the clip imbibing in Whites place. Although. Harry. Willie. and Sam were in good relationship. his racism that has been instilled by his parents is apparent and largely rup ture them apart. Harry being raised by a racialist household and in environment full of racism. he developed racial favoritism character that was evidenced when interacting with his monsters Sam and Willie. Harry developed prejudiced personality from the fact that he was raised by racialist installation. Harryââ¬â¢s female parent was depicted as a racialist in the drama where she employed inkinesss as retainers. They were ill paid since she believed that they did non merit good wages and good occupation. She was found forbearing her boy. Harry from interacting with them because they were black. These actions resulted to development of racism character in Harry. He sometimes addresses them as the foreman despite Sam and Willie being older than him. Willie calls him ââ¬Å"Master Haroldâ⬠and in some cases demand Sam who was like his male parent to name him the same name. He did this from what he experienced from his parents. Harry grew up in topographic points where people were segregated in races with designated topographic points for Whites and inkinesss. In the book. the writer wrote about different topographic points that were marked for Whites and inkinesss. Blacks were non allowed to interact with Whites at certain areassince they were regarded as ââ¬Å"whites onlyââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ ( Fugard 56 ) . For illustration. when Sam made a kite for Harry. the writer pointed out that he tied it to a place labeled Whites and since inkinesss non permitted to play at that place. they left Harry entirely. In add-on. when Harryââ¬â¢s father got rummies and was stack in white people pub. Harry had to seek permission in order for Sam to come in and pick his male parent. This was grounds that Harry grew up in a racism environment and therefore ended up as a racism. The effects of turning in a racism environments and with racialists household was apparent Harry broke an statement with same and spat on him. Harry lived with a rummy male parent who was a racialist. Since he grew up in this environment. he had developed a negative attitude about black. When Sam informed him about his fatherââ¬â¢s discharge from the infirmary. ââ¬Å"Harry tongue on himâ⬠to let go of his choler of that fact that he did non desire his male parent place ( Fugard 56 ) . He demanded to be called ââ¬Å"Master Haroldâ⬠by Sam because of his self-importance as white adult male. Although Sam had reacted on it. he was kept on toes by Willie who reminded him that Sam was merely kid who did non cognize what he was making. This evidenced that racial favoritism played a great function in making hostility and force during the apartheid epoch in South Africa. Decision Master Haroldâ⬠¦and the male child was a drama written by Fugard picturing how racism could be developed by down the household and interaction with the environments. Harry was brought up in a racialist household and environments that advocated for racism. His female parent refrained him interaction with Sam and Willie for their colour backgrounds. Although Sam. Harry. and Willie grew up as friends for a long clip despite their age differences. racial favoritism resulted in force that was evidenced when Harry spat to Sam to alleviate his choler of life with his male parent. This was a mark that Harry had developed racism from the environment he grew in. Hence. Fugard used literary work to turn to immoralities in the society. which can be explained by passage of a figure of statute law on apartheid after the drama was published. Mentions Fugard. Athol. ââ¬Å"master Haroldâ⬠and the Boys. New York: Vintage Books. 2009. Print. Beginning papers
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Business opportunities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Business opportunities - Essay Example The business should also possess a unique and superior way of doing things. Building an efficient scalable plan requires an entrepreneur to focus on the consumers as the critical component of the business growth. A business that values customers attracts them and enables them to spend considerably. This also ensures sustainability whereby more customers are anticipated in the future than their current numbers. A scalable plan should describe the industry of operation of the business and identify a niche that the competitors cannot fill. Focus on the businessââ¬â¢s environment can be especially difficult if the competitors are of the same size or experience the difficulties of monopoly dominance. Once the business has identified the marketing niche, it should apply the necessary strategies that enhance its expansion into a prominent player. Health care scalable plan focuses on strategic performance, project management and process improvement (Ceà line, Beà rard and Luc, Cassivi 160). The emergency management operations have been improved through improving the emergency response and crisis management. The health care has also focused on application of the technology in the improvement of the business operations and dissemination of the health information related to health. Performance has also been enhanced through improved training of the employees to equip them with the necessary information related to improved productivity in the changing health environment. How can the management tools be applied in health care to ensure
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Leadership and Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2
Leadership and Management - Assignment Example oup Problem Solving: Leadership and Motivation: The performance of different members in a business organization largely depends on the leadership style followed within the organization and the factors that motivate the employees personally. Employees may be motivated either by external factors like wages and rewards or by internal factors like their relationship with their work. Based on the different needs of different individuals, there are three motivational theories that are applicable for business organizations. These are the Maslowââ¬â¢s Hierarchy of Needs, Alderferââ¬â¢s ERG Theory, and McClellandââ¬â¢s Theory of Needs (Nader n.d.). Maslow divided the needs of humans into five divisions that include their psychological needs, safety needs, relationship needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization. Psychological needs involve the basic needs of an individual like food, shelter, and clothing. Safety needs include security of jobs, a good working environment, and plans fo r pensions and insurances. Relationship needs reflect the need to socialize and have friends and companions around. Esteem needs are those that are more than the basic needs such as need for appreciation and recognition. Finally, self-actualization is the stage where an individual feels the need to pursue further to achieve something for his own. This need may completely vary from one man to another and tend to become individualistic in nature (Nader n.d.). Alderferââ¬â¢s theory focused on an individualââ¬â¢s need for existence, thus requiring suitable conditions and materials; the need for relatedness that may be achieved through interactions and communications with others; and the need for growth reflected through their achievements and self-actualization. According to McClellandââ¬â¢s theory individuals feel... From the assignment presented by the researcher, it can be concluded that Lee, who was analyzed as the leadership manager of the company proved to be an effective leader as far as finding solution to the problems that were established from the start, such as customer dissatisfaction and employee motivation that was concerned. The researcher analyzed his recommendations and states that instead of ignoring the problem, the leadership manager surveyed and determined that a reward program might prove to be effective to motivate the employees towards effective performance that was lacking in the present situation. The leadership manager also proved to be a responsible leader trying to improve the performance of all the team members such that the organizational goals may be achieved. The proposal for a standardized method of recruitment that was described in the assignment can also be said to be an effective measure suggested by the manager for recruitment of effective people which is othe rwise not achieved through unstructured interview patterns. The researcher then mentiones that understanding the particular needs of employees and hence fulfilling them would be a better option for future improvement and successful work. Moreover, transformational leadership would be recommended in such cases as described in the assignment as it allows to establish better communications between the leader and the employees, thereby improving the relation and move towards more cognitive consensus for problem solving.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Term paper on one of the following Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
On one of the following - Term Paper Example In 1945, she was chosen by Hitler as his assistant. She had been typing his speeches, correspondence including his private testament and last will. In this book, she described how she was blinded by her bossââ¬â¢ activities because of his fatherly approach. Details of her luxurious life as a secretary were also included. In 1943, she married Junge, one of Hitlerââ¬â¢s military orderlies. However, they were not married for long because Junge was killed in a combat during the war. As Germany began losing in the war, Hitler expressed he would not want to surrender to the Russian army. Thus he thought of cyanide poisoning as a better way to end his life. Towards the end of the book, Hitler shot himself in the temple with cyanide in his teeth. Traudl was later captured by Soviet armies but was never charged. Why would Hitler with such a stern character end his life that way? I cannot tell you the reason why but I will tell you what I like about the book. First, Traudle gave her readers something to ponder about Hitler especially when she mentioned the other side of his personality. Known for his tyrannical approach who killed directly or indirectly almost 30,000,000 people to pursue his cause, he has the charm and kind personality after all which is unknown to many. This was evident when Traudl mentioned he served as the father figure despite being her secretary. The father ââ¬âdaughter relationship was felt precisely because Hitler spent quality time with her during work and outside her work. Aside from this, Traudle also mentioned her conversations with Hitler which is unusual for leaders to have chats with their secretaries most often. Traudl mentioned that life could be boring without work because precisely she will not have a talk with Hitler. She came to realize that she misse s the monologues every night with Hitler. Perhaps, there is kindness on
Friday, November 15, 2019
Principal Issues For Research On Secret Trust Social Work Essay
Principal Issues For Research On Secret Trust Social Work Essay I consider that I have reached this outcome and the associated skills because I can identify the principal of issues for research on a specific legal topic. I have conducted my research on a specific topic Secret Trust. I also have found the principal issues of research as required for this topic by expressing a research question. I think the doctrine of secret trust is not a unproductive issue. The difficulties pose in the test and finding of this doctrine clearly point out that it is worth a research topic. The difference between the Wills Act theory and outside the Wills theory makes it extremely grey issue which needs careful consideration. With just a simple attitude the fraudulent party may not be able to take the benefit for him or his family. To identify secret trust, the definition of Wills Act and secret trust and how these are operated need to be considered. I thought that there is some unclear and merely enforceable thought about secret trust. I realised that the case Backwell Vs Blackwell is a significant step to identify the doctrine of frustration. The difference between Wills Act and outside the Wills theory can be identified from it. While dealing with the difference I came across various debatable issues where Wills Act is more preferable to the courts. I found that secret trust can make fraud very easily.According to the court the contracting parties should bare the risk .To avoid these entire complexity force major clause is the proper solution. While preparing my research I thought I need to start from the basic points of law of Trust. Why we make a trust? Why trust is failed? How secret trust is different from the requirement of Wills Act? In Blackwell Vs Blackwell , Re Falkiner and Re Keen Secret trust has three essential element that is intention to create trust, communication of the intention of secret trust to the secret trustee and acceptance of the trust by the secret trustee. After Blackwell various new cases came into force and the doctrine of secret trust has developed but those were not important for my research. The important part was the gift which is absolute but informally agree with the trustee that this is a trust. And it causes problem for the court to prove that it is trust and actual beneficiary is in vary difficult situation he/she may not even know about the trust. To solve it new cases have developed but still remain some confusion. Evidence The first and the second paragraph of my essay clearly indicate that I have demonstrated my skill in successfully identifying the principal issues. In my topic I have tried to identify the problems and complexity in relation to the application of secret trust and tried to focus on the solution to it. I have identified various legal areas in the form of case law which are essential for my research work. The first two paragraphs clearly indicates that I have managed to successfully identify the key issues for research in my topic and demonstrated the required skills of 1) legal sources and research and 2) freedom and the ability to learn. The formulation of my research question regarding the topic plays a vital role in the process. At first I tried to identify the key problems of the current secret trust and commentator view. Text books, journals and other supporting materials helped me considerably in the process. Later I evaluated the probable solutions represented by the legal scholars and the case law. There were several case laws which I studied during th e research process and found them very informative and useful in order to get the total understanding of the current law, e.g. Edwards V Pike, Re Snowden, Re Young, McCormick V Grogan, Allen V Snyder and others. These cases brightened up my understanding regarding the topic. There were some very informative and useful articles I found at the online database. I am Thankful to the University of London for providing such a great source of materials, that helped me a lot as I could not have found those journal in the local database. The article and journal from online library, J E Penners law of trust, the subject guide helped me a lot.Patricia Critchleys comment in dehors theory, Viscount Sumners comment about relation to the statute law and secret trust help me understanding in depth. Lord Hailsham L.C.s comment about destroying the whole object of creating of secret trust and fraud on the beneficiaries gave a very in depth reflection on the chosen topic and guided me maturely through out the process. Outcome 2 Locate and retrieve relevant information on a specific topic using primary and secondary legal sources, in paper or electronic media (including use of the world-wide web). Claim I can locate and retrieve relevant information on a specific topic namely Secret Trust, using primary and secondary legal sources, in paper or electronic media (including use of the world-wide web). In doing the research I first studied my The Law of Trustt text-book written by J E Penner. There I have gone through the Formalities and secret trust chapter, the relevant paragraphs and studied the relevant materials. At this stage I have found necessary information which helped me to get the initial ideas. I went through Westlaw via online law library. There I searched for the Secret trust and this helped to identify the potential research materials. I also went through Lexis Nexis for the cases on Secret trust. First I have studied the definition of formalities as laid down in Statute and text book and after secret trust as laid down in text book and by the case law. Then I have picked the exact definition which is important and I put it in my research. I also studied the examples of secret trust or the areas which can be regarded as secret trust and I felt that some of those were important for my research as they dealt with formal trust and secret trust. I have then studied the difference between the full secret trust and half secret trust which was very crucial and also have gone on study the limitation of secret trust which is basically the main part of my research. I have picked the part which I felt important and wrote my research accordingly. I also studied at some relevant books available in my academy law library; however I decided not to include them in my project as this would mean going into much bigger detail than was required for present purposes. I knew from the very beginning that if I go through the text book and Westlaw I would be able to locate these materials important for the research. Evidence The first step in my work on this project was to search for all necessary cases and other supporting materials. From reading the subject guide and resource books I have identified the most important cases for my research. I have gone through the cases on my text book, the subject guide and study pack. Apart from this I have extensively studied academic arguments, which helped me lot to develop my research. In my research I have used the online sources. I have used both the Westlaw and Lexis-Nexis Library. I went for arguments and article there. I also studied the secondary sources and organize my research consequently. The bibliography of my research essay lists the primary and secondary sources I studied for my research. The case summaries and commentators argument verify that I found primary legal sources relevant to my research area. Outcome 3: Use sources in a critical and reflective way. Claim I can use sources in a critical and reflective way. In paragraphs 3-16 of my research essay. I describe a critical and thoughtful analysis of a range of cases addressing the issue of the doctrine of secret trust. I identified those cases by examining the relevant sections of the text book, subject guide and commentary in Westlaw and then used the Lexis-Nexis database to find the cases and download full case report I have read the cases, found out the specific information addressing the issue of the doctrine of half secret trust and full secret trust, their differences, links and also tried to find the solution to the complexity regarding this area. While preparing my research I always check whether the topic which I have studied has any impact on my research. I have particularly checked Blackwell V Blackwell case and cases related to it. At the time of studying I checked whether any issue deals with half secret trust, full secret trust, their differences and links. I have asked mysel f whether the issues which I was reading have anything to deal with formalities and can help me to find that the distinction between half and full secret trust. For me an issue would be relevant if it anything to deal with secret trust. I have gone through the conflicting decisions and their arguments in favour of those and I got idea for my research. I have come to the knowledge that an argument is important if it has reliability and used for proper purposes. In my research the legal arguments which I have given has strength and weakness. Whenever an argument has the persuasive power in relation to the topic and it can clearly put the picture to the reader then that argument has strength and if it is uncertain and unclear then the argument is unclear. In this regard I gave my effort to provide with the proper argument which put the clear picture to us. Evidence In my research essay I displayed my capability to use both primary and secondary legal sources and reference materials in a critical and reflective way. The case summaries and commentators view as given in the evidence for outcome 1 illustrate my ability to assess the primary legal sources judging their relevance and importance for my research. Outcome 4: With limited guidance, and using a range of legal resources, plan, research and produce an original piece of legal writing some of which should address areas of law not previously studied in depth. Claim I can, with limited guidance, and using a range of resources, plan, research and produce an original model of legal writing some of which addresses areas of law not previously studied in depth. I finished a research essay using primary and secondary legal resources as I already mentioned in outcome two earlier. I had previous idea on law of secret trust. With those slight ideas I started my work. I have attended few group works with my classmates and personal session with my teacher. I drawn my research with these and the oral presentation helped me a lot to complete the research. I have gone through the secret trust and its increasing use in various aspect of law of trust. I studied the purpose of the secret trust, enforcement of the secret trust, dehors theory, criticism of dehors theory, fraud theory and criticism I also studied the issue of testamentary trust. While reading secret trust I have read the impact of half secret trust and full secret trust and thus eventually I have studied the effects of formalities both under common law and under the statute (Wills Act 1837). In dealing with all these issues I have found that the university subject guide does not provide us with material information on this depth area. Evidence My research essay clearly indicates that this area has not been studied in depth. In our class secret trust chapter was dealt in a very short time and we did not have the opportunity go in depth with our teachers. The research essay is my original piece of work it is a genuine writing on a particular legal issue. I am stating that this is my original work. I received limited guidance while doing it. I am aware of the penalties for plagiarism. My claim that this work goes beyond my previous learning is absolutely based on the case analysis I have done while doing my research essay. Outcome 5: Make an accurate assessment of your progress and the quality of your work and, using feedback, identify areas for improvement. Claim I believe that my research essay provides the necessary evidence to show that I am able to correctly identify and critically assess source materials to produce a credible answer to my research question. I consulted a variety of supporting materials, made an accurate assessment of them and drew probable conclusions. I believe I succeeded in selecting the most relevant materials and rejected those materials which were not related to the work or which duplicated information. I received feedback from my classmate Baezid, which allowed me to identify areas in need of change, improvement or clarification. I prepared a short presentation of my work outlining the topic and presenting the principal arguments. I believe that my oral presentation (Outcome 7) increased my understanding of some issues and highlighted those areas that need further work. In addition, the feedback I received from Baezid made me realize that I should focus on selected aspects of my research question and choose the two to three most important articles on the subject in order to be able to produce an essay within the word limit. I consider that I have produced an answer to my research question which is as nearly as possible given the scope of the task. I believe that this work is highly original; it includes many valid questions and thought and could form the basis of a bigger research project. Evidence My research essay and portfolio provide evidence that I have achieved this outcome. In evaluating my work I focused on my research skills, my ability to analyse legal texts and my presentation of arguments. I worked with other students (Elahi and Mahmudul) which allowed me to evaluate my legal research and presentation of argument skills. Each of us prepared a short presentation in which we explained briefly and coherently our research proposals and the main aspects of our work. This was a good practice for my oral presentation (see the PowerPoint slides in Appendix C). In my presentation I focused on the conclusions. As I gave my presentation it became clear that I could not easily explain these, and my friends thought, even from what I had said, that my conclusion contradicted my own evidence. After my presentation, I reviewed my conclusions and saw that I was overstating my case and I needed to moderate my argument and make my points both clearer and more subtle. This presentation with other students also gave me an opportunity to reflect on my presentation skills and help me prepare for the formal oral presentation (see the discussion under Outcome 7 below). Outcome 6: Produce a word-processed portfolio, with footnotes, using appropriate formatting tools, and communicate and exchange documents by email. Claim I can word-process text, with footnotes, using appropriate formatting tools, and communicate and exchange documents by email. I officially state that the full portfolio I have submitted was word-processed by me. The full assignment was completed in Microsoft Word software. I have used font Arial in size of 12 point. I also designed my headings, subheadings etc by using bold and underline format. In my whole legal research I have used 1.5 lines spacing to build it easier to read. the each outcome are in bold and size 14 point, the question of outcome are in 14 point and normal, the heading of claim and evidence are in 14 point size and with underline. In various tome to do my legal research I have faced many sort of problem, in that moment I have take very much support from my teacher and friends. They help me to solve the problem to how can my research essay become well. Without internet this research can not be possible to complete well. I have tried my best to utilize this opportunity by using my University of London portal. After completing my research I have exchanged my research with my teacher friends by email. And I also take suggestion by this email. Evidence The provided legal research essay is the best and appropriate evidence of my achievement. The use of word processed portfolio, footnotes, screen shots of the emails I have exchanged, using a variety of formatting tools etc showed that I have completed this achievement. Outcome 7 Briefly and accurately present and discuss, orally in English, legal information from standard textbooks, leading cases or statutes in a way that responds relevantly to the question asked or topic set and is understood by the audience. Claim I can briefly and accurately present and discuss orally in English, legal information from standard textbooks, leading cases or statutes in a way that responds relevantly to the question asked or topic set and is understood by the audience. I made an oral presentation face-to-face at the Intensive Weekend in my Bhuiyan Academy H 13, R 7, Dhanmondi Dhaka 1205 Bangladesh on 2 February 2011 ( Morning Session). My assessor was Shajib sir senior teacher of my academy. Evidence I include as evidence the PowerPoint slides (Appendix C) which I used as the basis of my presentation, a certificate proving that I completed the presentation (Appendix D) and the assessment pro forma with feedback from Shajib sir (Appendix E) indicating that I reached a high level of competence in the task. Outcome 8: Work as an active and effective member of a team contributing productively to the groups task. Claim I can work as an active and effective member of a team and contribute productively to the groups task. To do research I have took help from two of my associates. They help me very much. They help me to sort out what was the problem of my research, how can I prepare my power point slide, what is the mechanism of screen shots of the emails I exchanged are included as Appendix B. I also improve my research by taking help from my teacher. He also plays a very effective role as a guide of mine. Evidence In my legal research Appendix B and Appendix C I have tried to show my evidence that I have described above. These two appendixes is a mirror of my take help and group work with my teacher and friends. These also provide that how much I have afforded in a group work.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Epic of Beowulf Essay - Foreign and English Translations and Versions o
Foreign and English Translations and Versions of Beowulf à à à à à à From 1805 until the present there have been introduced an abundance of paraphrases, translations, adaptations, summaries, versions and illustrations of Beowulf in modern English and in foreign languages due mostly to two reasons: the desire to make the poem accessible, and the desire to read the exotic (Osborn 341). It is the purpose of this essay to present a brief history of this development of the popularity of the poem and then compare some of the translations with respect to some more difficult passages in the poem Beowulf. à In 1805 Sharon Turner included some passages from Beowulf in his The History of the Anglo-Saxons; he increased the text in later editions. In 1815 Grimur Johsson Thorkelin published the complete, though inaccurate, translation of the poem Beowulf. Thorkelin thought that the poem was a translation made in the court of King Alfred. These two citations show how Beowulf got its start towards fame in the modern era. à In more recent years more contemporary Beowulf enthusiasts are publishing a version in Hungarian (by Gyorgy in1994); doing photographic representations of the poem (Swearer, etc. in 1990, etc.); doing a meditative translation (Hudson in 1990); doing an Augustinian translation (Huppe in 1994); a translation based on syllabic meter (Greenfield in 1982); writing a novel, Eaters of the Dead, based on th epoem (Crichton in 1978); retelling the poem as a rock musical (Wylie in 1974); and the list is endless. Each approach strives to reinterpret Beowulf in the local and contemporary idiom (Osborn 341). Regarding the translation of Beowulf into English and foreign languages, both verse and prose, in 1815 a Latin... ...hor Books, 1977. à Crossley-Holland, Kevin, trans. Beowulf The Fight at Finnsburh, edited by Heather Oââ¬â¢Donoghue. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999. à Donaldson, E. Talbot, trans. Beowulf The Donaldson Translation, edited by Joseph Tuso. New York, W.W.Norton and Co., 1975. à Heaney, Seamus. Beowulf, A New Verse Translation. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2000. à Osborn, Marijane. ââ¬Å"Translations, Versions, Illustrations.â⬠In A Beowulf Handbook, edited by Robert Bjork and John D. Niles. Lincoln, Nebraska: Uiversity of Nebraska Press, 1997. à Rebsamen, Frederick. Beowulf A Verse Translation. New York: Harper-Collins Publishers, 1991. à Shippey, T.A.. ââ¬Å"The World of the Poem.â⬠In Beowulf ââ¬â Modern Critical Interpretations, edited by Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987.. à à à à à Ã
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